The expectation is that I would use my private vehicle. Concerned with personal liability, I refused, she explains. 她解释道:她希望我能用自己的车。因为担心个人责任,我拒绝了这一要求。
For the duration of the residential work period, the artist must be insured for medical and personal liability and damages ( third party insurance). 驻地艺术家需自行支付其医疗及人身安全之保险。
Another way of avoiding personal liability for a trustee is to use a company as trustee. 用公司来充任受托人是受托人免除个人责任的另一条途径。
Owners have no personal liability for malpractice of other owners. 业主并没有对其他业主不当行为的个人责任。
The agreement of a purchaser to take on personal liability for a mortgage already registered on title to the property and to make payments under the mortgage. 买方同意个人承担已经在物业产权中登记注册的房屋贷款,并且支付房屋贷款的付款。
Combining the characteristics of unlimited personal liability and mutual agency makes a general partnership a potentially dangerous form of business organization. 无限的个人责任和相互代理权使普通合伙企业成为一种有潜在风险的企业组织形式。
No personal liability for stockholders. Stockholders are not personally liable for the debts of a corporation. 股东的有限经济责任。股东个人不对公司的负债负责。
Failure to do this can result in personal liability of the officer. 不这样做就可能导致这个官员个人承担责任。
They typically entail more personal liability than western executives are comfortable with. 他们一般要承担更多的个人责任,超过西方高管所能接受的程度。
Limited partners have limited personal liability for business debts as long as they don't participate in management. 有限合伙人限制了,只要他们不参与管理企业债务承担个人责任。
In many legal precedents, it has been a controversy as to how joint debt and personal liability between a couple should be defined. 在审判实践中,对于夫妻共同债务和个人债务的界定一直存在很多争议。
Each partner has total and unlimited personal liability of the debts incurred by the partnership. 每个合作伙伴具有完全和无限的个人责任的债务所支付的伙伴关系。
The general partners are partners in the traditional sense, with unlimited personal liability for the debts of the business, and also the right to make managerial decisions. 普通合伙人是传统意义上的合伙人,他们对企业的负债负有无限的个人责任,并有权进行管理决策。
Owners have limited personal liability for business debts. 业主限制了企业债务的个人责任。
Members have no personal liability for malpractice of other members; however, they are liable for their own acts of malpractice. 议员没有其他成员的不当行为的个人责任,但是,他们为自己的行为不当行为承担责任。
The purpose is to use the threat of personal liability to force them to face the conflicts of interest inherent in a complex holding company structure. 这样做的目的是,以让行长个人负责的威胁,迫使他们正视控股公司复杂结构内生的利益冲突。
This decision is crucial as it may affect your tax liability and method, your social security tax responsibilities, your privacy, and your personal liability for debts. 这是一个非常重要的决策,它会影响你的税务责任和形式,你的社会保险税务责任,你的私人财产以及你的个人债务责任。
It is possible by contract for a trustee to exclude personal liability. 受托人可以通过合同来免除个人责任。
Never underestimate the extent of your professional responsibility and personal liability. 千万不要低估专业职责和个人责任的范围。
Extended coverage includes your residental building and personal liability. 保障范围包括楼宇结构保险及个人法律责任。
In addition, the adoption of the mixed compensation system can contain two basic values& personal freedom and liability and social security. 此外,本文认为采取多种损害补偿制度综合作用的混合体制更能兼顾个人自由及责任与社会安全两个基本价值。
Director personal Liability Insurance is the basic of the other Liability Insurances. The other Liability Insurances evolve from it and are optional. 董事个人责任保险是其它类型的责任保险的基础,其它保险都是由其演变而来,相对独立的可选择的。
In modern business world, personal liability and taxes are considered by investors the most important factors in selecting a business form. 在现代商业社会,人们选择商业形式时最在意的是个人责任和税收负担。
The traditional partnership enjoys the conduit tax treatment, however, each partner is under the high risk of unlimited personal liability for the debts of the business. 传统的合伙在税收上享受直流纳税待遇,但每个合伙人都要对合伙债务承担个人责任,风险较大。
The characteristic of the new constitutional order is to realize social justice by strengthening personal liability and market process instead of the effort to make legislation and judicial decisions. 新宪法秩序的特点是通过加强个人责任和市场过程来实现社会公正。
Furthermore, personal liability of directors increased the same time, the idea of directors also increased the burden of decision-making resulting in indecision, not aggressive in business activities, is not conducive to the directors for the company and shareholders wealth. 再者,在加重了董事的个人责任同时,也就增加了董事的思想包袱,造成其在决策时优柔寡断、不再积极大胆的从事经营活动,不利于董事为公司和股东创造财富。
It retained form partnership the unique management flexibility, also enjoyed the limited liability protection, in majority situations limited liability partner only to oneself not, when the behavior undertook the personal liability, but undertook the limited liability to other debts. 它既保留了合伙特有的经营灵活性,又享有有限责任的保护,大多数情况下有限责任合伙人只对自己不当行为承担个人责任,而对其他债务则承担有限责任。
County insurance refers to all insurance services for rural organizations and individuals, in the county, township. It includes property insurance, personal insurance, liability insurance, agricultural insurance and other insurance. 县域保险是指为县城、乡镇和广大农村的团体和个人提供财产保险、人身保险、责任保险、农业保险等一切保险服务的统称。
The main means of athletes 'personal tort liability In the process of athletic sports is the compensation for damages and offering an apology. The subject of compensation for damages mainly is the athletes and employers, but adults and minors should be ruled differently. 笔者认为,关于竞技体育过程中运动员人身侵权责任的承担方式有损害赔偿和赔礼道歉,而损害赔偿的主体主要是运动员和运动员所在的组织或单位,但对成年人和未成年人应作区分对待。
The reason why our country uses joint liability instead of personal unlimited liability is due to the impact of the theory of real juristic person, which does not ignore the independent personality of the corporate. 我国之所以采不同于国外的个人无限责任,而采连带责任,在一定程度上是由于受到法人实在说的影响较大,不轻易无视公司的独立人格。